Baby’s first drink

New babies – the first six months

Breast milk is best.

Breast milk is always the best drink for a new baby. Breastfeeding will benefit you and your baby for as long as you choose to continue. It helps to build your baby’s immune system and prevent health problems later in life.

Breast-fed babies don’t generally require any other drinks in the first six months of life. However, for babies under six months needing an extra drink in addition to breast milk or formula, give cooled, boiled, tap water as a drink in addition to milk. From six months onwards there is no need to boil tap water.

Your health visitor or local Childsmile team should be able to direct you to local support.

For further information see Parent Club – Breastfeeding

Formula milk

If you are using formula milk, continue using first stage whey-based milk for up to one year. 

Always take extra care when making up infant formula; follow the instructions on the pack very carefully. Adding extra scoops can make your baby ill. 

Make up one bottle of formula at a time. Once it is made up, it can go off quickly. Your health visitor can advise you on this.

Further information can be found at Parent Club – Formula feeding

Plant based milks (such as oat, soya, almond and coconut)

Plant based milks aren’t advised for young children as they contain less of the essential vitamins such as iodine. Some of them are fortified but also may be sweetened.

Breast milk or infant formula should be the main drink throughout the first year of life. 

Continue with breast milk or infant formula as the main drink when you wean your baby. 

Further information is provided at Parent Club – Milk and other drinks 

Soya-based formula and follow-on milks

Soya-based formula contains sugars which can cause tooth decay. Soya-based formula and follow-on milks should only be given if advised by your doctor or health visitor. This is because of possible long-term side effects of soya-based formula and its sugar content.

One year-olds

From one year old, full-fat, pasteurised, cow’s milk is suitable as the main milk drink, until your child is at least two years old. Babies up to the age of two years have high energy needs compared to older children and adults, and need more fat in their diet.

Two year-olds

It is very important for babies and young children to have plenty of fluids to drink. It helps their body to function properly and prevents constipation. Between the ages of two and five years, you can gradually move your child from drinking whole milk to semi-skimmed milk; but make sure it is part of a good, varied, diet.

Choosing drinks without sugar for your baby will:

  • Set healthy habits for life.
  • Help prevent decay in first teeth.
  • Keep your baby’s smile beautiful.
  • Improve your baby’s overall health and nutrition.