The purpose of the manual

The Childsmile manual is now presented within the Childsmile website and uses this platform as a tool to inform Childsmile staff about the programme.

The main purpose of this content is to provide information to support frontline staff in implementation and delivery of the Childsmile Programme. It provides clinical information to augment that provided through the NES Childsmile training.

This section of the website should be used when attending the six-module Childsmile course delivered by NES.

We have designed the manual’s content’s page to support the navigation around the website in terms of training areas/topics.

The term “parent” is used throughout this manual and refers to parent/legal guardian

Please consider the environment before printing from this website

Development of and contributors to the programme manual

The move to a web based Childsmile manual has been developed via the Childsmile Training Liaison Group in consultation with Childsmile staff (coordinators, extended duty dental nurses and dental health support workers), NHS Education and the Childsmile Executive.

The content will be reviewed routinely as part of the Childsmile website’s content management plan.

Note: The authors of this manual have endeavoured to ensure that it reflects relevant guidance and evidence, current at the time of publication. All trainers and practitioners are advised to keep up to date with developments in this area. Any external websites are suggested but are not endorsed by Childsmile.

This page is currently under review if you have any feedback please email